What an Audacious Hoax Reveals About Academia
Three scholars wrote 20 fake papers using fashionable jargon to argue for ridiculous conclusions.
OCTOBER 5, 2018 Yascha Mounk The Atlantic - https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/new-sokal-hoax/572212/
Is Critical Race Theory racist?
Trump has condemned the controversial teaching as 'un-American' and 'divisive'
BY HELEN PLUCKROSE - https://unherd.com/2020/10/is-critical-race-theory-racist/?fbclid=IwAR2IHxyzW-bsiynSGrFC0LkafvlIk2UjqxzFjrIivzvm-zDNisAcBsMH00U
It is about time we fought back against the unthinking adoption of critical race theory
Started by academics in the 1970s, this cornerstone of the woke worldview has taken hold across society
DOUGLAS MURRAY 3 October 2020 • https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/10/03/time-fought-back-against-unthinking-adoption-critical-race-theory/