Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Biden Time

“It is unsurprising that governments today never tire of reminding us that the war on the virus marks the beginning of a new historical era in which nothing will be as before … this will be an era of servitude and sacrifice, in which everything that makes life worth living will be forced to undergo mortifications and restrictions … those who blindfold themselves in order not to see the situation of unfreedom … willingly submit to it because they foolishly believe that in this way they have found for their lives the meaning that they had unwittingly lost in peace....”

Communist Capitalism

Giorgio Agamben

December 15th, 2020

The form of capitalism that is being consolidated on a planetary scale is not that which it had assumed in the West: it is, rather, capitalism in its communist variation, which unites an extremely rapid development of production with a totalitarian political regime. This is the historical significance of the leading role that China is taking on, not only in the realm of the economy in a narrow sense, but also – as the political use of the pandemic has so eloquently demonstrated – as a paradigm for the government of men. That the regimes established in so-called communist countries were a particular form of capitalism, specially adapted for economically backward countries and thus labelled ‘state capitalism’, was perfectly clear to anyone who knows how to read history; what was entirely unexpected, however, is that this form of capitalism, which seemed to have exhausted its function and was thus now obsolete, was instead destined – in a technologically updated configuration – to become the ruling principle of the current phase of globalized capitalism. Indeed, it is possible that today we are observing a conflict between Western capitalism, which used to exist alongside the ‘state of law’ and bourgeois democracy, and this new communist capitalism, a conflict in which the latter version appears to have emerged as the victor. What is certain, however, is that the new regime will combine the most inhumane aspects of capitalism with the most atrocious aspects of state communism, combining the extreme alienation of relations between people with an unprecedented social control.

Translated by Richard Braude